10 Winter Fashion Essentials for 20Somethings

Our twenties are more than a decade of personal change and growth – it’s the time we find out who we really are and learn to show others that as well. And what better way to express ourselves than through fashion!

Whether you realize it or not, fashion speaks to others you encounter before you can even open your mouth or bat an eyelash. So to make sure you’re always on the upside of the style spectrum, we’ve created a seasonal post for closet must-haves. Here are our winter picks:

  1. Favorite jeans – You know, the ones that go with any outfit because they fit perfectly? Yes, those! Not so tight you can barely get them on or so loose that they wouldn’t look nice with a cute, silk blouse. When you try them on ask, can I wear these in the office, the bar, to dinner? If the answer is ‘yes’ to all, then that’s your pair.
  2. Booties – Ankle boots, that is. I’m sure we’d all love the perfect ass but let’s not get distracted here. We fall in love with ankle boots year after year because they’re really the perfect median. Just like your favorite jeans they’re versatile, so can be dressed up or down to fit the occasion.
  3. Statement coat – For those in cold weather states, a good coat is a necessity but a nice statement coat should also be on your list. You don’t really want to wear that huge bubble jacket to a professional party or networking event, or even on a casual night out regardless of what they told you during fashion week.
  4. Midi dress – Midi dresses are stylish, fun and multifaceted. Plus there are so many to choose from! Pair it with your booties and statement coat and you easily have a day-to-night outfit.

  5. Sweater – I admit, I used to hate when I had to wear sweaters as a kid but now I see grown-up sweaters are so much better. Similar to the midi dress, sweaters can be comfy, corporate or even sexy, depending on the style you choose and how you rock it.
  6. Faux Fur – Strictly for the winter! Now that we have that cleared up – in the interim, buy up those faux fur coats, hats, headbands and stoles. We all deserve to be a little bad and boujee!
  7. Tights – Especially fishnet tights. I have seen this trend pop up on my timeline and it’s the perfect for people in warmer winter climates that still like to wear their ankle grazer jeans or distressed denim. Adding this simple accessory can take your summer look to fall/winter.


    via @fashion_black_and_white Instagram

  8. Sweat suits – now I know what you’re thinking – Absolutely not. But absolutely yes. Pair a cute two-piece sweatsuit with a statement choker and a long chain and your favorite pair of Stan Smiths, Yeezys or yes, Timbs (Hold the New Yorker jokes).
  9. Chokers were the rave in the summer and they still are the wave. Why do we love chokers? Well since it’s about to be 2017 and the youngest 90s baby is 18 years old – we could just be trying to hold on to our youth. Or we realized how bomb an oversized t-shirt looks with a rhinestone band choker. Complete outfit contrast but overall stylin’.


    via @fabfashionkillas Instagram

  10. Velvet anything! – Now if you were lucky to cop a pair of the Velvet Creepers this December I envy you, but then I found some burgundy velvet thigh high boots! Life made. Velvet is not only trendy for the Holiday season, but the texture automatically upgrades an outfit. Take a peak.

    What’s your favorite must-have winter piece? Tell us in the comments or on our Twitter!


Surviving Cuffing Season While You’re Single

For those of us who have decided to skip out on tryouts or just didn’t make the cuffing season roster – we got a nice, long winter ahead of us. Lucky for me, my winter won’t be quite as cold as some of my northern buddies, yet Netflix and chill still gets lonely after you’ve binge-watched all seasons of your favorite shows…twice.

Alright, now y’all probably thinking about my recent post on how I’m enjoying being single and all and I am– HOWEVER – just because I like where I am currently doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes miss the perks. When the dark of night hits around 5:45 and soaking myself in sunshine and sand at the beach starts to lose its luster, that’s when I start to reconsider cuddling on the couch watching whatever he wants just to enjoy his presence.black-woman-in-bed-watching-tv

But since this isn’t my first go-round of spending cuffing season solo, I’ve pretty much mastered survival and don’t mind sharing my secrets with you all. So here goes:

First step to surviving cuffing season as a solo artist is to remind yourself why you skipped out on tryouts in the first place. You’re enjoying the freedom of being single, you’re using this time to connect with yourself, etc. So the key is to stay focused on YOU – that’s what you wanted to do in the first place right? Don’t get swept up and distracted by those cute posts of all those “relationship goals” couples on Instagram because for one all that glitters ain’t gold, and secondly, they might not make it past Spring Break (sips tea). But on a more serious and positive note, when you do decide to be in a relationship don’t let it be because you want what someone else has.

After you’ve reminded yourself why you chose to remain single, then it’s time to really act on your decision. For instance, if you’re using this time to “find” yourself, then hop to it. Treat yourself to that restaurant you always wanted to try, splurge on that pair of shoes you’ve been wanting, soak in a bubble bath with a good book. You have all this time to really do what YOU want instead of compromising. Not to mention relationships can be draining at times, so just being able to relax alone without feeling like you’re being selfish is a definitely a perk.


Lastly, this is not only a  great time to reconnect with yourself but also with those you’ve unintentionally lost touch with or that you just never had the chance to connect with in the first place. I’m referring to platonic friendships and even networking opportunities. Romantic relationships can sometimes be a distraction, especially for people in their twenties. We already have so much going on and dating can throw us off our game more so in the early googly-eyed stage of a relationship.

Bottom line – don’t curse yourself for being single during cuffing season, cuff yourself.


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