Before You Give Up on Your New Year’s Resolution…

How many times have you grumpily hauled your ass to an event that you really weren’t feeling that day simply because you already paid for the ticket or bought an outfit? Well, imagine if every time you ate a greasy fast food burger instead of a salad your account balance dropped $10? Didn’t go to the gym – another $20 gone. Pissing you off already?

We’re headed into the second month of the year, and I can bet half of us have already fallen off the new year’s resolution bandwagon. Remember, you were supposed to be hitting the gym, eating better, procrastinating less and saving more? According to Statistic Brain only about 38% of 20-somethings achieve their new year’s resolutions. And as you’ve probably guessed, the older we get, the less likely we are to continue to set and achieve new goals. So now is the time to turn your resolutions into realities and habits. Here are some tips to stay on track or get back on it.

  1. Write it down – There’s definitely power in the pen. Writing down your goals not only helps you remember them but also puts them into a solid plan versus them simply being an idea or wish. Remember: “The difference between a wish and a goal is a plan.”
  2. Enlist a partner – They say “two is better than one”, and it’s especially true when it comes to a new journey. If you’re struggling to hold yourself accountable when you don’t meet your goals, it’ll help if there’s someone else there to push you. Not to mention the guilt you’ll feel if you bail on your workout partner three times in row.
  3. Set stretch goals – If you’re anything like me, stretch goals will be your best friend and probably the only way you’ll ever hit some of your goals. For example, if your goal is to save at least $100 a week, mentally set $150 as your stretch goal, that way if you ultimately end up saving $130 you’ll have surpassed your real goal AND will begin to set higher goals in the future as you’ll see they are actually attainable.
  4. Set reminders – It’s not hard to forget to do something when it’s not a habit. Setting reminders are an easy fix. I have three alarms just to wake me up every morning so you can bet I have reminders to pull out my yoga mat at least three times a week.
  5. Get an app – There’s an app for damn near everything these days and luckily for those of us with “saving” on our resolution list, most are free. Apps allow you to document and track your goals and progress, connect with others who have similar goals, alter your goals, and receive reminders, all at your fingertips. Oh, and if you need that extra monetary motivation –  there’s an app (or 30) for that too. Try GoFuckingDoIt which has been featured in Wired and LifeHacker.

These tips can be applied to all types of goals so try them all, see which ones work for you, and most of all – go fucking do it!


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